Foodie's Guide to Eating Well

Thoughts on food, cooking, and dining out

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dear Grocery Store, It's Not You, It's Me.

Dear Grocery Store,

While you and I have been in a long-term, committed relationship, there are simply some things I need to get off my chest. I loved you more than any woman should, never groaning or whining about having to pay you a visit, but actually looking forward to seeing what new you had in store for me (literally)! The piles of beautiful produce, the aisles of interesting ingredients, the freezers where you keep the Ben & Jerry's... we were good, real good. But as of late, something has changed and it's not you, it's me.

You see I've been seeing other food sources on the side... farmers' markets, foodie blogs, and Mark Bittman's column in the New York Times. I apologize for these indiscretions, but I simply had to see what else was out there. And I learned that you no longer are giving me what I need. What's that you ask? It's simple: more food, less pesticides. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the small tokens... the helpful yellow flags denoting organic choices, the designated corner in the produce section. But it's just not enough.

Our visits are now filled with angst for me. If there's not an organic selection, what's the right one? Local, but hydroponic tomatoes? Real bacon, or the fake stuff (less pressure on our country's meat production, but supports the bloated soy industry... which, not for nothing, I am pretty sure will be the complete undoing of our entire food system...)? And don't even get me started on meat in general... that's a whole other can of worms. Not real worms, of course... the meat is so loaded with bleach and hormones that nothing real - including worms - could grow in it. Do you see, grocery store, what you are putting me through?

Listen, I want this to work out. I really do. But, if we're going to move forward, I'm really going to need more from you. I know that I am not the easiest person to be a relationship with, but I think you want to stick with me too (or, at least, you continue to want the money I give you each week). So, please add more organic produce, meat, and dairy. Also, and I know this is asking a lot, put price pressure on your suppliers. I am willing to pay more for organic options, but we all have our limits. Also, label the local stuff better and - maybe even - offer local, organic stuff (oh, a girl can dream!). And, lastly, I need you in this with me. You have a voice and influence over other shoppers (we're totally Facebook friends, remember?). Consider using it to educate and encourage your other girlfriends, er, customers.

Thank you for listening, grocery store... it always feels better when I can be honest with you. Now, if there was only some way I could get you to do my laundry.


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